The City of Melbourne announced yesterday afternoon that the Big Day Out has finally secured a site for its Melbourne leg. The lack of an available venue had put the touring musical juggernaut in danger of having to miss Melbourne altogether.
Last night the City of Melbourne's planning committee approved Princess Park as the BDO venue - which is great news from my point of view; I thought it was a fantastic venue for the event this year.
Due to redevelopments, the showgrounds are not available.
Lord Mayor John So said that Council had tried to accommodate everyone affected by this proposal.
“The Big Day Out is a terrific youth culture event that attracts up to 40,000 people with the majority in the 16 to 26 age group,” the Lord Mayor said.
“If organisers cannot find a venue, Melbourne might lose this youth event. Princes Park is the only possible venue for 2007. The event will be staged at Flemington Racecourse from 2008.
Tell me your interpretations of the different colours in the self-portraits I posted on my blog, rich.
I didn't go last year because of the location. Unfortunately I heard that it was a good day and i missed out.
The BDO is a great day. have they announced the line up yet??
yes, and unfortunately its quite average. Headliners include tool, jet & Muse, all of which have toured quite recently and none of which are at their peak. The lineup also consists of a whole bunch of pretty stock local acts. So unfortunately I'm not too enthused about this one.
I'm more exicited about merideth than anything else.
Dave - I'm excited about Meredith too, more so than the BDO certainly. Sounds like there's going to be quite a few bloggers going - perhaps we should organise a specific time to all congregate in the Pink Flamingo and meet up?
For real sounds good. I'd love a good ole fashion interweb meetup.
p.s. whats the pink flamingo? This will be my first time at merideth
Your first time?
*points and laughs*
Ahem, where was I - ah yes, the Pink Flamingo. It's the on-site bar/tent, and is open til wonderfully late in order to entertain lushes like me.
So apart from you, me, Ms Fits, DavetheScot, which other bloggers are Meredith-bound?
Well, as far as I know only two of my mates; Sam and Mr. Mitch but they don't blog too regulary.
I probably should start posting on Ms Fits & DavetheScot's blogs so they know who I am.
Did Melbourne BDO sell out last year?
Yes, anon, it did.
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